Latest Press Releases

Following the theme of #RaiseYourVoice, branding agency Aespire participates in Blog Action Day 2015 to highlight the worldwide issue of bullying and cyberbullying.

Following the success of Brian Sooy's first book, the author has launched a new blog for entrepreneurs who align their entrepreneurial endeavors with their faith.

Brian Sooy's presentation is based on principles from "Raise Your Voice: A Cause Manifesto," an inspirational and practical nonprofit marketing guide that helps nonprofits develop branding, communications, fundraising and marketing strategy.

Brian Sooy's guest for this episode of the Raise Your Voice podcast is author Todd Henry. Todd teaches leaders and organizations how to establish practices that lead to everyday brilliance. He is the author of three books, "The Accidental Creative," "Die Empty," and his new book, "Louder Than Words."

Branding and marketing agency Aespire celebrates 20 years of business in Northeast Ohio.

Aespire is celebrating its 20th anniversary by giving away four sets of personalized copies of the books "Raise Your Voice: A Cause Manifesto" by Brian Sooy, and the new release "Louder Than Words," by Todd Henry. Each will be signed or include a signed bookplate.
Open Door Christian Schools unveiled a new brand identity in advance of the 2015-2016 academic year. Inspired by the School's Patriot Principles (God, Identity, Relationships, and Responsibility), the new Open Door Christian identity represents the bold vision of "Equipping Disciples through Exemplary Education."

One year later, Brian Sooy's book on nonprofit branding and mission-driven design "Raise Your Voice: A Cause Manifesto" remains top-rated on Amazon; and gains national attention from organizations such as the National Council of Nonprofits, Wyoming Humanities Council, Ohio Small Business Development Centers, and the Cleveland Council on World Affairs' international program for nonprofit leaders.

After 19 years in Elyria, Ohio, strategic branding and design agency Aespire joins the fast-growing business community of Sheffield Village, Ohio. The move positions Aespire for growth as it serves colleges, foundations, nonprofits, and mission-driven organizations across North America.