SHEFFIELD VILLAGE, Ohio - July 21, 2016 — The Association of Business Administrators of Christian Colleges (ABACC), a national association serving Chistian Higher Education, has selected Aespire as its marketing agency of record.
ABACC serves business officers, administrators, and chief financial officers in schools of Christian Higher Education to improve the standard of business management by providing professional development, networking and mutual support to their business leadership.
ABACC serves its North American membership from its headquarters in Michigan. It offers monthly online professional development, a robust network and community, and a yearly national conference now in its 58th year.
Aspire will be working with the executive leadership and Board of Directors of ABACC to retain, recruit, and raise awareness of the organization to the presidents and chief financial officers within the Christian higher education community.
The agency's role will include strategic consulting, design and marketing, member engagement, and lead generation/marketing automation through its partnership with SharpSpring. All services will strengthen ABACC's association and member management.
Aespire will support ABACC member organizations through exclusive access to its Aespire Insight Marketing suite, a collection of best in class services that empower collaboration, design communications, and measurable audience engagement.
Aespire was chosen based on its work with influence and engagement marketing for, and its expertise in branding, recruitment, communications, and advancement in higher education marketing.
For more information about Aespire and how it serves its clients, visit aespire.com or contact President Brian Sooy at brian@aespire.com or by phone at (440) 809-8970.
Aespire is a branding and communications agency that empowers organizations through design and marketing to sustain their brands, engage their audience, and raise their voice for greater impact.
Brian Sooy, President
(440) 809-8970